market reports
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CME Quotes - Live cattle
CME Quotes - Feeder Cattle
Cattle on Feed Reports
TCFA Daily Market Summary
TCFA Daily Market Summary
TCFA Daily Market Summary - January 21, 2025 USDA BEEF CUT OUT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CH 600/900: $332.05 DN -1.11 SL 600/900: $319.55 UP 0.11 CH/SL Spread: 12.50 CARCASS EQUIVALENT INDEX ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CH 600/900: $314.03 DN -0.55 SL 600/900: $298.00 UP 0.06 Hide & Offal: 11.45 DN 0.00 Choice Cut Loads: 100.45 Select Cut Loads: 29.33 Trimmings Loads: 7.82 Coarse Grinds: 14.79 Total Loads: 152.39 SLAUGHTER - 1:00 P.M. Today: 124,000 W-T-D: 239,000 Week: 125,000 Last Week: 242,000 Year Ago: 124,773 Last Year: 236,596 Previous Days Steer & Heifer Cow & Bull Monday 92,000 23,000 5501 I-40 West * Amarillo, Texas 79106 * 806-358-3681
TCFA Daily Volume and Price
TCFA Daily Volume and Price
TCFA Daily Volume Price - January 21, 2025 This Week Last Week Formula 48,744 Formula 51,625 Cash Sales 0 Cash Sales 4,072 W-T-D Volume 48,744 Total Volume 55,697 5501 I-40 West * Amarillo, Texas 79106 * 806-358-3681
TCFA Auction report
TCFA Auction Report
TCFA Auction Summary Report - January 17, 2025 WILDORADO OK. CITY SAN ANGELO TULIA VOLUME 1,212 7,909 1,329 1,395 FEEDER STEERS MED/LF 300-400 ----- 417.00-462.50 380.00-390.00 ----- #1 400-500 ----- 366.00-450.00 357.50-370.00 370.00-372.00 500-600 320.00-340.00 323.00-385.00 320.00-334.00 302.00-328.00 600-700 296.50-297.50 277.00-338.00 284.00-297.50 255.00-310.00 700-800 278.50 257.50-300.00 254.00-265.00 248.50-270.50 MED/LF 300-400 ----- 393.00 355.00-377.00 ----- #1-2 400-500 ----- 341.00-390.00 342.50-354.00 337.00 500-600 ----- 261.00-342.00 300.00-317.50 280.00-305.50 FEEDER HEIFERS MED/LF 300-400 344.00 353.00-400.00 400.00 357.00 #1 400-500 332.00 289.00-414.00 309.00-312.50 305.00-335.00 500-600 279.00-285.00 287.00-325.00 280.00-306.00 272.00-307.00 600-700 261.00-278.00 255.00-305.00 ----- 245.00-275.00 700-800 239.50-246.25 251.00-263.00 230.00-234.00 225.00-244.00 MED/LF 300-400 ----- 322.00-331.00 332.00-365.00 297.00 #1-2 400-500 ----- 288.00-326.00 292.50-307.50 260.00-308.00 DALHART OKC WEST WOODWARD VOLUME 3,688 11,119 2,691 FEEDER STEERS MED/LF 300-400 390.00-447.00 440.00 406.00-475.00 #1 400-500 341.00-430.00 335.00-415.00 360.00-425.00 500-600 302.00-348.00 295.00-380.00 301.00-349.00 600-700 269.50-322.00 266.00-330.00 267.00-303.00 700-800 265.00-281.00 267.50-287.50 267.00-286.00 MED/LF 300-400 350.00 ----- ----- #1-2 400-500 311.00-332.50 340.00-370.00 297.00-377.00 500-600 280.00-298.00 277.50-315.00 287.00 FEEDER HEIFERS MED/LF 300-400 350.00-408.00 389.00 352.00-452.00 #1 400-500 301.00-360.00 290.00-347.50 288.00-333.00 500-600 265.00-310.00 280.00-320.00 250.00-344.00 600-700 258.50-310.00 251.00-290.00 227.00-275.00 700-800 238.00-261.00 251.00-260.00 226.00-256.00 MED/LF 300-400 ----- ----- 305.00-392.00 #1-2 400-500 260.00 295.00 272.00 WILDORADO Feeder steers and heifers traded mostly $1 - $5 higher. OK. CITY Feeder steers $6 - $12 higher. Feeder heifers $4 - $8 higher. SAN ANGELO No recent comparison on any class. TULIA Feeder steers and heifers sold $1 - $5 higher. DALHART There were some gains and some losses among the feeders, however the market remained strong. OKC WEST Feeder steers sold $2 - $5 lower. Feeder heifers traded $3 - $6 higher. WOODWARD Feeder steers steady to $4 lower. Feeder heifers mostly steady. 5501 I-40 West * Amarillo, Texas 79106 * 806-358-3681